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3 Free Resources Every Dealership Should Know

BCP Editorial

BCP Editorial

17 Mar, 2021
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Staying up-to-date on industry trends is a seemingly impossible task these days. As technologies grow, develop, and pivot with the customer journey, it is important to be knowledgeable and stay relevant to reach the widest audience possible and keep customers engaged. 

But where do you go?

There are a million different sites to gather knowledge, but how do you know if the information is accurate and vetted? There are free resources out there that will give you real-time help so you can navigate the best way to sell cars in 2021.

If you are looking for guidance on everything from optimizing your dealer website to the best practices with Google, bookmark this page and use this as your resource. And if you are looking for forums to ask other people in the industry about the issues you are concerned with, check out the forums section below.

Here are three that I reference to stay informed, and you should, too.

Three Free Resources Every Dealer Should Know

 Google Dealer Guidebook 2.0 and 2.5 

This Guidebook was created for dealers to assist with navigating through the digital changes that have occurred and will continue as technologies evolve and customer buying processes adjust. This is not a “post covid” guideline, but an overall look at different elements dealers should have in place to be successful on Google and the full digital landscape.

The Google Dealer Guidebook 2.5 has also been released, but needs to be downloaded from specific sites. Automotive News has one available, but if you search Google Dealer Guidebook 2.5, you will be directed to the right place to access the information. 


If you are in automotive and concerned with your website’s organic presence, WhiteSpark is a one-stop-shop. Not only does it walk you through how to optimize your site for Google, but the Blog and Learning Resources answer the majority of questions that you could come up with. Specifically, their article on what would happen if you did NO SEO updates for a year is an eye opener.  

And if you are looking for Google My Business Best Practices, look no further.

And while we are talking about GMB, if you have not downloaded GMB Spy as a Chrome extension, I would do that now! It is a free tool that reviews any (I mean ANY) GMB page and gives you actionable information on what it has and what it is missing.

Free Forums 

There are multiple free forums where dealers can ask other dealers questions, share best practices, and vet out possible vendors—all with automotive professionals moderating and adding to the discussion. If you have not checked out these forums and pages, now is the time:


The important aspect is to take time every day to learn more about your industry, and these resources can help you do just that.   

Comment below with some of your "go-to" websites, forums, or resources.